Here at Suesey Street, we always try to take the time to get to know the people who choose to eat with us. We take pride in getting to know their favourite foods, their favourite drinks, and where they like to sit in the restaurant. One of the things we’ve been missing the most over the last few months are our regular customers, so when we started our Stay At Home Supper Club we were delighted to see so many of our regulars supporting us and putting in orders. Each one was a little boost to us and has helped to keep us going.

One pair of regulars contacted us in our first week asking if we’d be doing it again the following week as they were about to move to a new house and wouldn’t be in the delivery area until the next week. Spoiler – we were. The following week rolled around, they put their order in, Karel loaded it up and off he went.

The couple he delivered to have quite the history with Suesey Street and our sister business No. 25 Fitzwilliam Place; Rose and Matthew got married in No. 25 and have celebrated some special moments here in Suesey Street. We love their story so we thought it would be nice to get shine a guest spotlight on them, get to know them a little better, and learn more about what keeps them coming back to us.

guest spotlight, Rose and Matthew, Sasson Haviv Photography, Suesey Street
Photograph by Sasson Haviv

Can you tell us how you discovered Suesey Street and No. 25 Fitzwilliam Place?

We had just gotten engaged on St. Stephen’s Day in 2016, and we were still doing long distance between Ireland and the US, so wanted to get a head start on looking for a venue while we were still in the same country. We knew we were going to live in Dublin, so we were looking for a unique city centre location for our wedding, but one that still had that sense of style you get in a country house. That way, we could show off the city to our guests who were coming from all over the world, and introduce a new side of Dublin for the locals. 

What were your first impressions of No. 25?

The moment you walk in the front doors, you feel like you’re in a different world, like you’ve been transported back in time, and you have left the hustle and bustle of the city behind, even though it’s still right outside. The architecture and  decor struck us as being the epitome of style and elegance. Dublin’s Georgian buildings have unique characteristics and stories, and having our wedding there was a great way to be a part of that history.

weddings, Suesey Street, No. 25 Fitzwilliam Place, guest spotlight, Stay at home supper club
Wedding Ceremony in our sister business No. 25 Fitzwilliam Place

Was there any particular thing that helped you to decide to have your wedding at No. 25?

Aside from the fact that the venue exceeded all of our expectations for a stylish and unique city centre wedding, it was the team that really sealed the deal for us. We knew that they were professionals, but that they also cared about making sure our day went off without a hitch, and that we could focus on enjoying our celebrations with our guests. We had such a good first impression and knew we would be taken care of, that we immediately put down our deposit and checked a big item off our wedding planning list.

You’ve celebrated some milestones with us at Suesey Street, would you like to share any of them with us?

Our fondest memory and most important life event took place with Suesey Street, and we have a lot of sentimental value attached to it. Whenever we have an important milestone our first thought is always to go to Suesey Street to celebrate it. We have been there for wedding anniversaries, celebrations for buying our first home, and will keep coming back in the future.

What things keep you coming back to Suesey Street?

There’s a sense of community there; not only are the team responsive and friendly, but our fellow guests always seem to be enjoying themselves too. Recently, we bumped into a couple who were having their wedding tasting, and we really enjoyed talking with them and getting to share in their excitement for their special day. Every time we visit, we look forward to our chats with Karel and Nicolas because they’re just so personable and friendly. We definitely feel they remember us, and we aren’t just customers, we’re more like guests.

guest spotlight, Stay at home supper club, Karel
Karel always has a warm welcome for our guests

If you were to recommend something that makes Suesey Street or No. 25 stand out, what would it be?

Again, we would come back to the team; all of our guests commented that the service and food at our wedding was top-notch, and they still comment on it nearly two years later. It isn’t just for weddings either, the team put that same level of care and dedication into every bite. Their consistent efforts have meant that we have never been disappointed by the food or the experience at Suesey Street.

If you could have one dish from our menu, from any of your visits, what would it be and why?

For Rose, it would hands down be the breaded scallops with peas and pancetta. She has had many a scallop and have never liked them before the ones at Suesey Street. Even her Maid of Honour’s husband commented that she never eats scallops when he cooks them, but she not only finished her serving at the wedding, but tried to take his as well!

For Matthew, it would be the braised short rib of beef. There’s something really unique about taking a relatively simple dish and elevating it to a high level by adding some different ingredients to make a fresh take on a classic cut of meat.

Supper Club, Stay At Home Supper Club, Suesey Street

You’ve recently ordered from our Stay at Home Supper Club menu; can you tell us a little about your experience?

It was so easy and convenient to be able to order such delicious food online. We loved the personal touch of seeing Karel as well who definitely put us to shame with how well he was dressed. We have been missing being able to go out to enjoy an outstanding meal, and it was an amazing experience to have a delicious, restaurant-quality meal at home.

We want to say a massive thank you to Rose and Matthew for sharing their story with us and we’re delighted that Suesey Street and No. 25 both play such a happy role in their history. We’re looking forward to reopening the doors of both businesses and welcoming people back in once it’s safe to do so but in the meantime we’re glad to know that our Stay At Home Supper Club is bridging the gap for our regulars.

If Suesey Street has played a part in your story, we’d love to learn more about it. If you’d like to share your experiences, drop us a line at and you could be the next person featured on our blog!